Kirsten , age 18
grew up in a small town in the south east of England. I currently study Art foundation diploma and I have received 2 university offers for sept 2014. I have worked hard to get here and to get the grades in art and design that I did in the past. Its a passion for me a way to escape. I live with my mum and my crazy sister.
Instagram account: Kirstenlart
About my practise: I am interested
in the process, how art is made and why it’s made. Layering is a big part of my
practise. I often subtract elements from my paintings and layer on
top of previously made marks. During foundation I have been looking the impact
scale and space can have on my work. I completed a series of small-scale
paintings. By reducing the size of the paintings it felt like the emotions and
messages with in those paintings were in turn compressed, they had an explosive
quality. I found that by leaving the space around the paintings it allowed them
to breathe and really take you on a journey but in turn emphasised the feeling
of compression. It was more than just a painting; it was an invitation to
I play with
complimentary colours and how you are able to change the atmosphere of one
painting by a single brushstroke of a particular shade of colour. I mix media
and have been known to try things a little out of the ordinary. As I look back
on the work I completed during foundation I feel like my paintings are an
exploration of my internal feelings regardless of the initial theory behind
them. They all have a running theme of containment and entrapment, which are
expressed in a variety of ways.
Thank you for reading this
- Kirsten
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